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Persian and English publication

With the growth and development of in- ternet and cyber space, most published materials nowadays appear on websites as opposed to printed journals. IBI li- brary, in line with this and by utilizing the state of the art technology, has set up a powerful system to help the schol- ars and students to access up-to-date findings online. This system, DDSLIB, is now being used by scholars and stu- dents alike to enable them to refer to full length articles round the clock.

Sources of IBI Library at a Glance

Type  Farsi Books 

English Books



No. 16433





Commencement of a new journal in IBI

With  the  initiative of  the President and  active  pursuit of the  managers, IBI received, for the first time, official license from Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, to publish a periodical entitled ”Islamic Banking and Finance Studies Quarterly”. The first issue will come out concurrently with the start of the 26th Islamic Conference in September2015.



IBI Library started  its operation in 1989. It is a specialized library dedicated to banking and Islamic economics and finance. Its objective is to act as a top information centre for banking network, teachers, scholars and students in banking.